Activity 6: Art Nouveau Style Design

 Nhoru Dominic V. Ortega

Art Nouveau Style for Jewelry

in this drawing I drew three gems for a necklace that is surrounded by Art Nouveau Style frames, i drew inspirations from leaf grasses which are random but are do sometimes have patterns.

Art Nouveau Style for Ceramics
in this drawing I drew a ceramics pattern which are also based from grass leaves then I added some lines to extend its symmetrical pattern.

Art Nouveau Style for Clothing
in this drawing I drew a pattern of corns which I based from. and gave it a Art Nouveau Style aesthetic to it to make it look presentable for a clothing design.

Art Nouveau Style for Fabric
in this last drawing for the Fabric design, I based the drawing from a flower which may look messy and random, but it is a design I meant to do to represent how sometimes flowers can also be random and full of detail.
